Friday, April 30, 2010

100 DAYS TO GO, WOOHOO! (or not)


We are officially 100 days from our wedding day. Although if I don't get a job by June 1st (my self imposed deadline), we may have to postpone to later in the year. I really hope that doesn't happen since i'm so loving 08.07.10. Everything thankfully is bought, it's just to finish the venue payment and the caterers. Most of the deposits are non refundable so we're screwed if we have to postpone.  Please pray for us everyone.



  1. 100 days to go! So exciting! Also, I hope you find the job of your dreams. Good vibes going out for you!

  2. Congrats! I feel like I was just at that point. Now, I’ve only got a month to go! The time will fly by for you, too, I’m sure. I've keep my fingers crossed that you find a wonderful job!

  3. Fingers crossed that everything goes as planned and you get a job! :)

  4. aw that's exciting!! i hope everything works out so you won't have you postpone :)

  5. It's going to fly by. Hope you can keep your August date! Whatever happens it will be for the best. And thanks for your comments. School has been crazy as the semester winds down!

  6. Thanks for stopping by! I'll keep you in my prayers, my fiance graduated Saturday and started his "big boy" job today so I'll send some good vibes your way ;)

  7. Will definitely say a prayer! Congratulations! You're almost there!!!

  8. congrats!!! time flies... you're almost there!


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